Get Ready: Talk Like a Mainframer
An introductory overview of more than 30 key terms used in mainframe management.
Ready to embark on the journey of becoming a mainframer? Fantastic! To kickstart your exploration, let's begin by unraveling the language of the mainframe world.
In the video below, titled "Talk Like a Mainframer," we'll guide you through 33 popular terms that seasoned mainframers use in their daily discourse. Whether you're a budding enthusiast or a seasoned pro, understanding this unique lexicon is key to navigating the intricate landscape of mainframe technology.
For your reference, here are the terms mentioned in the video above:
z/OS: A widely used operating system for IBM mainframe computers that uses 64-bit central storage. A descendant of the IBM 360, 370 XA, and 390 ESA MVS which were 24 and 32-bit operating systems.
Abend: Term for abnormal ends associated with a job or task. Not a crisis; return codes or reason codes aid troubleshooting.
Syslog (System Log): Contains dumps and messages on consoles.
Job Log: Provides information before and after an abnormal end, aiding analysis.
ACK: acknowledgment field. Shorthand confirmation is commonly used in developer conversations.
APARs (Authorized program analysis reports): Identifies bugs and progresses through temporary fixes to the final Program Temporary Fix (PTF).
Batch Jobs: Automated tasks, often scheduled during low-usage times for activities like report generation.
BCP (Base Control Program): Core of z/OS, residing in the central electronic complex, aka the "Box" or "Keck."
CICS (Customer Information Control System). Middleware subsystem optimizing high transaction volumes.
CEC (Central Electronic Complex): Houses core mainframe hardware components, often referred to as the "Keck" or "Box."
Sysprogs: A systems programmer. Manage the mainframe, handling tasks like installing products, dealing with JCL, and ensuring smooth operations.
Concurrent Upgrades: Allow dynamic updates without rebooting.
Coupling Facility: Ensures data consistency across parallel systems.
IMS (Information Management System): Legacy subsystem.
ESM (External Security Manager): Handles security for products, including ACF2, Top Secret, and RACF.
Fiber Channel: Communication channel.
OSA (Open Systems Adapter): a Network Interface Card (NIC)
GDPS (Global Data Processing Services): High-end solution for disaster recovery.
Parallel Sysflex: Facilitates parallel systems, often referred to as a "Plex."
HMC (Hardware Management Console): Desktop gateway to the mainframe.
ISPF (Interactive System Productivity Facility): Provides a terminal interface for system management.
JCL (Job Control Language): Simplifies job creation.
LPARs (Logical Partitions): Allow logical segmentation of a single mainframe into multiple systems.
LIC (Licensed Internal Code): Mainframe firmware.
MSUs (Millions of Service Units): Measure processing capacity.
MIPS (Million Instructions Per Second): Measure processing capacity.
PAX Files: Essential for installing products.
SMP (System Modification Program): Controls changes to the operating system.
SMF Records: Record types, particularly "Type 89" for SCRT (Sub-Capacity Reporting Tool).
SCRT (Sub-Capacity Reporting Tool): Crucial for usage reporting.
Type 89 Record: Part of SMF Records, specifically for SCRT.
z/VM: z Virtual Machine used to run other z/VMs or operating systems.
SAF (Security Access Facility): Standard universal security API in z/Systems to enable security calls to the ESM access control products.
RACROUTE: Standard security program instruction used to invoke the SAF API security calls to the ESM(s).
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